Now is a great time to break into the wedding industry and become a full time wedding filmmaker. I have been in the industry for 10+ years and am here to help you reach your goals. I’ve learned so many important lessons along the way to becoming a full time filmmaker and I can’t wait to see what you can achieve.

Right now I’m offering two mentorships.

Two hour mentorship- Lets grab coffee! I’d love to connect over caffeine or we can hop on a Zoom call if you’re out of state. This is a conversation tailored to you and what you want to go over and where to want to grow as a filmmaker. Bring on all of the questions! Happy to talk gear, editing, how I film weddings etc. Price $250

Full day mentorship- This is where it gets fun. We’ll hang all day and probably be best friends by the end of it. We’ll go on a shoot together, prep our camera bags, put on a shoot with a real couple. You will have access to all of my gear or use your own then we’ll import all of the footage and I’ll walk you through editing and color grading. You’ll end the day with an amazing portfolio pice to help book your next gig. Price $1300

Lets do this!